Ideas Matter Blog

How can we make intellectual property better understood?
Date: 27/04/2020
A new video from Ideas Matter and the Center for IP Understanding explores the gaps in people's understanding of intellectual property (IP), why a better understanding of IP is needed, and what can be done to improve IP awareness.
COVID-19: Finding a vaccine in record time
Date: 05/03/2020
Pharma companies, university researchers, and other public and private stakeholders are collaborating closely to develop a new #vaccine for #COVID-19. Intellectual property speeds up this process and facilitates licensing.
Intellectual property and other legal issues related to developing a smartphone app
Date: 26/02/2020
With more than 5 billion smartphone owners in the world, the mobile app market is huge. For many businesses, tapping into this market represents a key opportunity. However, there is more to it than having a good idea and hiring a mobile app developer to make it happen.
Europe addresses intellectual property problems in China and 12 other countries
Date: 15/01/2020
The European Commission’s latest report on The Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Third Countries released this month highlights IPR-related problems in 13 different countries that cause “irreparable harm” to European companies. China was again named as the “Priority 1” country “because of the scale and persistence of problems in the area of IPR protection and enforcement.”
Intellectual property strongly supports economies, jobs and wages in Europe
Date: 24/10/2019
Companies’ use and reliance on intellectual property (IP) protection for their innovations and creative works strongly supports the economies, jobs, and employee wages in European countries, according to a recent detailed study by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
Intellectual property tracks growing innovations in healthcare
Date: 12/09/2019
The latest Global Innovation Index (GII) indicates that while the global economy is losing some momentum, and investment and productivity growth are slow, innovations in the medical field are on the rise, based on patenting data from the sector.
Innovation in the UK Motor Industry – World IP Day 2019
Date: 25/06/2019
“Make no mistake, intellectual property (IP) has always been, and will always be, the lifeblood of the automotive industry.”
Multiple cyber risks posed by counterfeit digital content sites
Date: 06/11/2018
Websites offering internet users counterfeit games software, music, films or television programs regularly provide unwanted ‘extras’ in the form of computer malware, trojans and other programs designed to collect passwords, credit card details and other personal and confidential information.
Countering Counterfeiting
Date: 10/10/2018
The BBC recently reported on an unexpected action taken by Burberry. The company destroyed more than £25 million worth of its own unsold goods. The intent was to stop them being stolen or sold cheaply and thus protect Burberry’s own brand equity.
Empowering brands large and small through the power of digital
Date: 04/09/2018
"The digital age is providing new, exciting opportunities for brands, consumers and society, by giving us the means to open up access for business, large and small," said Simon Johnson, Director of Media at Amazon UK at the Brand Evening hosted by the British Brands Group in June.